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The Apple Museum Foundation is a non-profit museum in the making. Our ambition is to become the largest Apple museum in the world, where approximately 1600m2 of space is taken up to view and experience the extensive collection of Apple devices.

Statutory objective of the foundation:
“Collecting, preserving, documenting and exhibiting the history and knowledge of Apple computers and accessories for the purposes of education, collective history and technical awareness, as well as anything directly or indirectly related to or conducive thereto, everything in the broadest sense of the word.”

Cultural ANBI status
The Foundation wants to use the ANBI status of the tax authorities to realize the museum. An ANBI status means that the tax authorities recognize the foundation as a public benefit institution, which entails some tax benefits, such as not having to pay gift tax on donations. This helps us to raise the financial resources needed to achieve the goals mentioned above.

Important information
Fiscal name: Stichting the Apple Museum
KVK: 86018515
Contact: contact@applemuseum.nl
Address: Visschersplein 1003511LX Utrecht